To The Spirit Of Woodstock
Review by Dave
Woodstock is indeed a living
spirit, and this spirit was indeed in full force on this occasion. This
is the fourth time that Ten Years After played at this venue, the first
time was when Joe Gooch signed on as the brand new member of the band,
playing his second gig here.
Getting here this evening was no
problem at all, dodging most of the unstable stormy weather, and the
traffic for a Friday was all heading in the opposite direction. We are to
meet up with Martin Crich and his daughter, to which we all
rolled in at about the same time, they were just a few spaces behind us
in the snail-moving line. Martin and I have been exchanging emails for
the better part of ten years and this is our first time meeting in
person, Brigitte was so surprised to learn of our long pen-pal
association over the years, she thought Martin and I were new to each
As for Martin, not a grey hair on
his youthful head, and he doesn’t look a day over 38, while my
disappearing brown hair has been replaced by silver grey. Also, Martin
and I started off our face to face meeting in an awkward way. We had to
feel each other out, trying to find the best place to exchange
information and stories. We just needed to let these things flow of their
own accord, which worked out perfectly for us.

The first band was already
performing when we entered the outdoor area, the Neil Young Mirror
Band…and I have to say, they were excellent. I wondered to myself, who
would want to sound like Neil Young? This singer was excellent and a real
crowd pleaser for sure, the entire band were exceptional performers.
The second band were not my cup
of tea, but quite a lot people in the audience thought differently of them and I definitely
respected their opinion. Martin and his daughter wandered in and out of the
gigantic tent where the stage was located, and back to where I was
sitting at the back wall, dodging the occasional raindrops. The evening
was looking very ominous, dark with scattered lightning in the heavens
above, but it all dissipated somewhere else, we all lucked out.
The third band was Ten Years
After. It seemed to take quite awhile to get the stage sound adjusted,
and up and running. From my vantage point the sound was good, loud and
powerful, but lacking were Joe’s vocals. His guitar work was all there,
as were the rest of the band’s instruments. The audience loved Ten Years
After – after all, let’s be honest here, that’s why everyone was there in
the first place, not to listen to cover bands, no matter how good they
were. The band knew it too, there was no doubt. When they came on, the
entire tent was packed full, with standing room only outside and trying
to see the band in action.
The audience’s appreciation grew louder and louder at the end of every
song. A thunderous roar, whistles and cheers filled the air. The band
played their usual set list, while playing fatigued and road weary having
just completed their first American Tour in 38 years (1975 - 2013) or if
you count the (reunion tours, it’s less time away). They aren’t spring
chickens ya know, yet they give it everything they’ve got to give in
every performance.The
fourth band was MCM, the area in front of the stage was virtually empty
after Ten Years After did their encore. This last band was as good as the
first, owing their sound in tribute to Blood Sweat and Tears – Chicago
and Chase! Yes folks, an excellent horn section, a good guitarist, bass
player, excellent drummer and passionate vocals. Those of us left enjoyed
the remainder of the event, it ended on a happy high note.
The Special Moments:
We all had a great time, and somewhere along the line, we ended up on the
same page with the enthusiasm of teenagers, relating various stores, and
laughing at past, present and future to come. The youth of today looking
at us older folks, not with respect and awe – but like funny dinosaurs of
a long forgotten world. A world sealed over on a shelf with the only
reference being “Woodstock”. I mistakenly thought that at this point in
my life, I’d be filling in the missing pieces of the music, culture and
the spirit of Woodstock Experience 1969 for them. This wasn’t to be, as
the new generation is as we were to our parents in the hippie days of
discovering, living life differently and pissing on their past of
depression, poverty, prejudice and war after war! This generation is
indifferent, immune, and totally pre-occupied with their technological
advancements – hand-held / instant gratifications galore. It makes me
think of the title of Robin Trowers album – “Twice Removed From
Yesterday” – we were once removed from yesterday – today’s youth is
twice removed and beyond our comprehension. God Bless The Child Who Has
Their Own!
Confronted By A Stranger:
When our little group was
together and exchanging information and music stories, a woman was
standing nearby listening. After awhile she moved in closer and asked a
few questions, you should talk to my husband, he knows all about this
stuff. After 45 minutes or so I decided to call her bluff, as no husband
presented himself…you’re making it all up I suggested to her, I’ll get
him for you and off she went into the tent to track him down. I soon saw
that she wasn’t lying and here he was heading in our direction – with a
dozen random distractions and detours he finally made his way over. He
remembered me, but I didn’t recognize him at all, until he refreshed my
memory – I then stood up and gave him a big hug, like finding a very old
friend from the dusty past. His name is Martin and he was there with us
at Joe’s second gig with Ten Years After here in Twist, he was also back
stage with us and the band….it’s been many years in between that gig and
this one. What a pleasant surprise this was. He also had a handful of
cd’s to be autographed by the band, as before…and he wasn’t disappointed.
Add one more to our bench by the
back wall!
Martin and his daughter said
their good-byes soon after Ten Years After finished their set. They had a
long drive home….it all ended on a high note, a real pleasure to be their
friends. We’ll do it all over again somewhere or another very soon.
Two More Strangers:
A man politely asked me if that
was my bag sitting on the bench, yes sir, would you like to sit down –
help yourself stranger. He was there with his woman and travelling
companion, who was also a sweet woman…he worked as an engineer at a local
television station….both I later found out were activist in the most
intelligent and positive sense. We talked about everything under the sun,
and listened to each other’s tales of politics, injustices and of course
extensive music knowledge. We were all about the same age and loaded with
pretty much the same experiences in life, morals, values and ideals. The
three of us couldn’t be any closer, and it was great. They and Brigitte
and I were almost the last to leave. During our conversation, Doug told
me that he was at this same venue last year, and there were three times
as many people as this year, but then again original Woodstock artist are
getting fewer and farther between. Canned Heat, Jefferson Airplane /
Starship and others were present last year. My Thanks to Doug and Sally
for their company!
The Long Good-Bye:
Did you ever try to leave a damn
good party and everyone keeps delaying your exit by an hour or so? No one
really wanted to leave, it was so great to see old friends again, while
making new ones as well. We stopped at the bathroom and then got outside
into the fresh air.
To our delight Ric Lee and Sander
were just now coming out the front door. So good to see our good friends
again, we got to ask Ric about their American Tour, and get the first
hand accounting right from the man himself. Everything went well, he told
us, but a shit load of work, it was hard on everyone in the band. I’m
sure that Ric, Leo and Chick all wondered to themselves quietly and to
each other – how the hell did they every do this in the past – and with
so many consecutive tours. I also asked Ric about the release of his
book, it’s coming dear boy he said, be patient! Christmas is coming I
thought to myself. Ric also told Brigitte and I that the USA tour was
extremely successful, even more so than they initially figured, which
deserved a congratulations from us. So proud of them….the old guys still
have what it takes – make no mistake about it! Rock On Ten Years
Friends, Music and Song:
I was just looking at the 2013 Ten Years After Concert Section, and just
discovered that this was our first TYA concert this year. Today as I
write this is September 20, 2013 – for us, this will be a very lean /
sparse year for us seeing the band. This Woodstock Special Event is one
to remember, good friends, food and drinks….and not the slightest whiff
of marijuana in the place….coke-a-cola….beer and juice seems to have
replaced good old “Mother-Nature”.
Oh well, the times did change –
didn’t they. The sad news is, the best isn’t yet to come, it’s been here
and gone, and we got older as the years flew by.
Mr. Pieper – Reinhard:
Haven’t seen our concert
companion in quite awhile, yet he always manages to show up at exactly
the right time, tonight was no exception. As if we didn’t have enough
excitement already, up he pops out of the clear blue. Sometime I believe
that his real name St. Jerome!
He also informed me that we first
met here roughly eight years ago and have been close friends ever since.
I also wonder from time to time who knows more about music, him or I.
It really makes no never mind as
what I don’t know, he does and visa-versa. It makes for great fun and
learning – always. My hats off to you my friend – thanks for everything.
So much love, friendship and
great memories. The spirit of Woodstock lives on in all of us. It was a
moment in history, turning into the dust through the ages…yet it still
rings true.
It was by accident that the original happened at all…’s by planning
that this event happened for the die hard music fan to enjoy…..Woodstock
is sputtering to its final chorus, you can’t kick it alive forever – the
magic and spirit is within us!