Photos by Ron Jones
Chick Churchill
Canned Heat
Jefferson Starship
Cathy Richardson (Jefferson Starship)
Paul Kantner (Jefferson Starship)
Joe Gooch (Ten Years After) and Jeff
Pevar (Jefferson Starship)
TYA Heroes of Woodstock, Los
Hello Everyone,
Sorry for the late posting on this event. Saw TYA at the Greek
Theatre in Los Angeles last Sunday. Can't believe this was my
first time at such a perfect summer venue. The seats were
comfortable, ample leg room for tall people (not me, my husband),
excellent acoustics, a warm summer night with interesting smells
wafting over the air and a very mellow, well behaved, appreciative
audience who were ready for a good time.
TYA came on after Canned Heat who received loud cheers for
"On the Road Again" and "Goin' Up the Country".
They were really very good and deserved the huge applause.
TYA opened with Love Like A Man, followed by 50,000 Miles. I was
so excited to see them after a couple of years, I might have the
set order wrong! King of the Blues definitely served notice we
were going to be rocked & rolled.
Leo and Joe brought the house down on Schoolgirl and Going Home.
Their chemistry is powerful and full of energy. It was stunning to
witness and the audience roared in appreciation, especially at the
end of Schoolgirl which they pounded out with such vigor, I'm
surprised they could still stand up after it. I know I was
exhausted just watching them!
Another crowd pleaser was I'd Love to Change the World, when the
band brought out Starship guitarist Jeff Pevar on acoustic guitar.
It was a lovely touch and went over well with the audience.
During the set there were some technical problems with Leo's amp
and Chick's keyboards came off the stand while he was playing.
Talented fellow that he is, he managed to get it back on and
tighten up the screws, without missing a beat. The crowd loved his
air guitar playing on Going Home.
Since they had a short set, we were not treated to a solo by Ric.
Dave, I can't believe it has been 7 years since Joe joined TYA! He
has matured into a fine guitarist and a real showman who is
completely at home heading up TYA. When Ric introduced him and
commented he had done an admirable job filling "some pretty
big shoes", the audience cheered in approval and there were
chants of "Gooch, Gooch" ringing out through the
darkness. Joe continues to be a charming and humble young man. The
success has not gone to his head, but he has good role models with
Ric, Leo and Chick.
There were long lines at the merchandise tables with fans waiting
to meet the band and have posters and things autographed. One guy
brought a beautiful white Fender for the band to autograph.
The night ended with an unexpected, totally fun finale with all
the bands on stage together performing A Little Help From My
Friends with the singers from Big Brother & The Holding
Company and Jefferson Starship on vocals. Joe was smack in the
middle of all those legendary musicians, doing a fantastic job on
guitar, looking every bit the rock star. Ric was having a great
time playing drum duet. I can't remember who the drummer sitting
on the stool was!
So now they head back to you lucky guys in Europe. Looking forward
to reading your reports.
Cheers! Jan 
Our Thanks to Jan and Ron Jones for the concert
review and wonderful pictures
TYA Heroes of Woodstock, Los Angeles
From Jan Jones:
Oops.....forgot to send a "hello" to the lovely young ladies
from Denmark and Germany who journeyed from Arizona to the Los Angeles
event. They are doing volunteer work at the Grand Canyon and took a
Greyhound bus to the event and back. They have seen TYA in Germany
many times and didn't want to miss them in the US. What dedicated fans
this band has!
From Ela:
Hey Jan,
I was so glad reading your entry. Yeah, we really had a great time at
the concert. our way back to Flagstaff was a bit exhausting but
nevertheless it was worth it. I think you must have been the guy from
San Diego!?
Wish you all the best,
Ela from Germany and Eva from Denmark
From Jan:
Hi Ela,
Great to hear from you. Yes, that's us - Ron and me from San Diego. I
was a bit worried about how you got back to your hotel after the concert
because it was so late. There was a coyote walking around the car park
as we were walking back to our car parked up in the wilderness!
Hope you are not working in the heat up in Flag. The temperature here
has been in the high 30s celsius all week.
Take care and we hope to see you and Eva again if we make it to one of
the European concerts.
All the best, Jan and Ron
Many Thanks to
Ela from Germany for her great pictures

Ric, Leo and Joe with Ela from
