Review by US fan
Greetings from the left side of the
pond, sunny, but cool Binghamton, NY. I have
read UK fan's review of TYA Now, and just
wanted to give a detailed review of my own,
so here goes.
Ten Years After "Now" is a
high-quality piece of work that I sense was
years in the making, and all elements of the
new cd reflect the hard work and committment
to excellence that shows up in the final
Reformed with original members Leo, Ric,
Chick and the new axeman and vocalist
extrordinaire Joe Gooch, the sound on "Now"
is fresh, energetic, and full of hard edge.
The songs, both music and lyrics, are
cohesive and coherent, follow a nice theme
and give the listener the full 40+ minutes
of music that rarely if ever is achieved in
rock music anymore.
The elephant in the living room, so to speak,
the issue that cannot be ignored, is the
Alvin Lee factor. Simply put, this is not
your mother's Ten Years After, rather a
genesis of years of experience and trials by
the three remaining original members, who
chose to carry on with the name Ten Years
After. Comparing this Ten Years After to the
Alvin Lee version is comparing apples to
oranges. Joe Gooch is a great guitarist and
singer and songwriter, as is Alvin Lee. Leo
now has had the opportunity to work with
three of the greatest axemen to ever pick up
a guitar, Alvin, Michael Schenker of UFO,
and now Joe Gooch, all my favorites now.
So that's that, on to the music.
It All Falls Down" |
opens the cd with a
great riff and hard edge lyrics, and sets
the tone for what's
come. |
"A Hundred Miles High"
. |
takes the
listener almost by surprise with the
acoustic opening, and truly has an alternative rock sound. This song has hit
written all over it. And hopefully it gets
its due. |
"Time to Kill"
. |
is a great car song,
in the spirit of "Born to be
wild", "Radar Love" and Tom
Petty's "Running Down the Dream,"
"Time to Kill" is all about our
lives, or as Joni
Mitchell once wrote in the
"Circle Game", "soon you drag
your feet just to slow the
circle down," "Time to Kill" is that
good, Crank open the sunroof and put the
to the metal. |
"I'll Make It easy for you"
is one
of the best breakup songs in years. At once
anger and sadness, this stands
as a great
rock ballad, and blues tune all at once.
Well Done!!!!! |
"The Voice Inside Your Head"
is a
darker version of I"ll Make it easy for
you, in the vein of John Lennon's
Run for
Your Life, an edgy song, that the Alvin Lee
TYA would have never done. And Chick sneaks
a top flight organ solo in at the end. |
"King of the Blues"
is just
and the lyrics are at once snappy and
defiant. A wonderful song in the spirit of
ZZ Top's La Grange, and Boston's "Smokin."
And Chick's piano
at the end is just great. |
"Long Time Running".
has a southern rock
a little Allman Bros, Dickey Betts slide,
and some nice work by Joe. |
"Reasons Why" |
love this, from Ric's original
drumwork to Chick's piano, Joe's guitar,
along with some great lyrics. |
"Changes" |
finishes the cd with a nice sort
retro, it for a moment reminded me of the
1967 or
so TYA, jangle piano and acoustic work. |
Anyway, that's my take, I
hope the cd sells really well, because this
music is too good to be ignored or
trivialized into the "Reunion"
category. That will be the responsibility of
all TYA fans to spread the word and get new
listeners. I realize at this point it is
academic, but I fear the use of the name Ten
Years After, which I'm sure has opened some
doors for the band may also close some, This
is not some lame reunion album, but an
important step forward for a great sounding
Years After NOW 2005 -
by Dave & Brigitte
British Rock Legends “Ten
Years After” are on a
comfortable rampage back into the world of high energy Rock ‘n’ Roll.
This latest return continues
right where they left off and shows once and for all, that their talent and artistic
dedication hasn’t diminished
one bit. The band is back on
track with a new recording
on CD - "NOW" -that picks up the music
right where their
ex-member Alvin Lee discarded
been reverently
picked up and restored to
it’s original lustre by Joe
Gooch who “NOW” is in
possession of the high bred
integrity that has always been
the Ten Years After mantra right
from the start.
is the band's first studio album of all
new material, with every member
contributing to the overall
content and having equal input
in the recording process. Also
plainly evident on this album is
the considerable and intricate guitar work and strong
vocal talent that Joe provides.
It's also refreshing to know that
Joe lines up perfectly, right
along side the founding member
Leo Lyons (bass, vocals), Chick
Churchill (keyboards), and
Ric Lee (drums).
Together they form an invincible
team of professional
musicians that are making Ten
Years After revitalised and
exuberant right through to the
final line.
the blistering opener of “When It All Falls Down”, to
the incendiary closing track
called “Changes” this
album is a positive return to
free form emotional expression.
Once again Chick Churchill’s
keyboard work is prominent and
refreshing. Ten Years
After "NOW” is not the
product of a bunch of Rock
‘n’ Roll elder statesmen
riding along on their past
accomplishments and glory days.
But instead it’s a definite
refinement and reaffirmation of
their acknowledged place in the
Blues / Jazz Based /
Hard-Rocking /
Psychedelic induced landscape, that served them so
well for four decades. They
continue progressing forward but
now without all the over
indulgences associated with
those crazy times so long ago.
tracks, such as “A Hundred
Miles High” really give a
taste of that psychedelic jam
/band feeling and
that the band was well
known for back in 1967, as they
now re-energise it with some
staggering contemporary /
legendary rock quartet playing.
this is a band on a powerful
mission, and intent on proving
to their die-hard fan base, that
there is more to Ten Years After
than just a single moment on
celluloid /
world fame that took
place back in 1969, and a top
forty hit in the early 1970’s.
They’re now well beyond their
classic years and moving forward
as one solidified, hard-driving,
precise musical
unit, that wasn’t
possible in the past.
the induction of Joe Gooch as
full member and stepping right
into the front man position, he
has become the band's visible
spark plug and rocket fuel. Joe
instils just what was needed and
brings to the table the passion,
power and purpose, as the twenty
seven year old rises to every
challenge that’s placed before
him. He executes them to
brilliant perfection in every
performance and leaves no room
for doubt.
prime example is on the song
called “Reason’s Why”,
which radiates the kind of high
energy Rock ‘n’ Roll
intensity that subsequently led
to their late 1960’s
breakthrough. With this
revitalised Ten Years After storming headlong into a Blues-Soaked-Rock ‘n’ Roll
Musical Expression that refuses
to let up throughout the album.
As we speak, the band is setting off on a brand new tour that will begin
on April 9, 2005 to once again
bring their new music / album
and their new charismatic and dynamic
frontman Joe Gooch to a
venue near you.
Contemporary / Progressive, along with the identifiable
classic Ten Years After
Sound / Skill / Genius and
abounds, on this new
recording and on stage. More
than ever before their presence
is exciting, and even more so in
front of an appreciative
release of their new cd is on
their own record label, to
ensure artistic control and the
quality therein. This is
setting the pace for their
continued success into the
for Ten Years After.
invite you to come and be a part
of the historical moment.
guarantee you won’t
be disappointed.

Years After new CD
"NOW" by
fais partie de ces « vieux »
fans du groupe qui ont toujours cru que Ten
Years After ne pouvait plus être Ten Years
After sans Alvin Lee. Voir débarquer un
nouveau chanteur guitariste au sein du
groupe n’était donc pas une très bonne
nouvelle. Et, comme beaucoup, je n’ai pas
vraiment cherché à écouter ce dont le
groupe était désormais capable. Cette
situation n’est pas unique. Qui n’a pas
été déçu lorsque David Coverdale a
rejoint Deep Purple ? Quand Ron Wood a
remplacé Mick Taylor au sein des Rolling
Stones ? Mais, chez Ten Years After,
cela semblait prendre des dimensions encore
plus importantes. Alvin Lee était un leader
incontesté. Il écrivait et composait lui-même
95 % du répertoire du groupe.
tout le monde se doit de reconnaître que
Joe Gooch n’est pas le premier venu. Il a
des qualités vocales indéniables et,
surtout, c’est un guitariste brillant et
inventif. La chose la plus importante est
qu’il ne cherche nullement à imiter ou égaler
Alvin Lee. Non, il est seulement lui-même.
Et cette nouvelle personnalité semble avoir
sérieusement boosté les trois autres compères !
à la polémique concernant l’utilisation
du nom « Ten Years After », elle
n’est pas justifiée. Si tous les groupes
qui ont connu un jour un changement de
musiciens avaient du changer de nom, comment
s’appelleraient aujourd’hui les Rolling
Stones, Deep Purple, les Who, Yes, Pink
Floyd ou encore AC/DC ? Pourquoi Ten
Years After aurait-il droit à un traitement
spécial ?
When it
falls down :
Le premier titre de l’album met tout de
suite dans l’ambiance : il s’agit
ici de Rock bien juteux. Rien à voir avec
la soupe qu’on nous sert depuis quelques
années. Joe Gooch y est particulièrement
brillant. Et, oserai-je l’avouer ?
J’ai trouvé son jeu de guitare bien plus
intéressant que celui d’Alvin Lee sur son
récent « In Tennessee » !
hundred miles high :
Le second titre est beaucoup plus lent mais
pas moins intéressant. Il est curieux de
constater à quel point la présence d’un
nouveau musicien peut rajeunir nos trois
vieux compères que sont Leo, Ric et Chick.
Il est indéniable qu’ils prennent un
grand plaisir à jouer avec Joe. Il est vrai
aussi qu’ils ne sont pas ici de simples
« faire valoir » mais des
membres du groupe à part entière.
Time to
kill :
Ce troisième titre est sans aucun doute un
des tous meilleurs de l’album. On peut
parier sans risque qu’il fera partie des
titres phares du groupes. C’est un Rock de
facture très classique dont la mélodie est
particulièrement obsédante. Indéniablement
un titre à écouter de préférence en
« live ».
make it easy for you :
Là encore, ce quatrième titre ne dénote
pas avec les morceaux précédents. Ce Blues
(très éloigné des Blues habituels
d’Alvin Lee) démontre que Joe Gooch
n’est pas qu’un excellent guitariste de
Rock. Il peut exceller dans d’autres
styles. De plus, ses qualités vocales sont
voice inside your head : Incroyable ! Pas une seule baisse de rythme.
Ce cinquième titre est aussi bon que ses
quatre prédécesseurs. Joe Gooch parvient
à nous hypnotiser avec son jeu de guitare.
A noter également que rarement on avait
aussi bien entendu Chick Churchill. Et on se
surprend à penser que c’est bien dommage !
King of
the Blues :
Ce sixième titre est de loin mon préféré.
Ce Boogie endiablé nous ramène directement
dans les années 70. C’est vraiment trop
bon ! On se dit que, vraiment, Ten
Years After mériterait de jouer dans de
plus grandes salles à la place de pas mal
de petits groupes parfaitement insipides !
Mais, laissons faire le temps, un tel groupe
ne peut que finir sur le devant de la scène.
time running :
Encore un morceau de toute beauté ! On
va finir par croire que ce « Now »
est un « Best of » ! Si
tous les albums suivants sont de la même
veine, il y en a qui ont du mouron à se
faire ! Joe Gooch en profite pour se
lancer dans de longs (pas trop quand même !)
solos de guitare aussi périlleux que
brillants !
why : De
nouveau, il s’agit d’un Rock
d’excellente facture ! A ma grande
honte, je dois avouer que je n’avais
jamais remarqué à quel point Ric Lee était
un excellent batteur ! Je le trouve
beaucoup plus inventif et « percutant »
qu’avec l’ancien Ten Years After. Lui et
Leo assurent une rythmique impeccable. Quant
à Chick, ses interventions sont toujours
aussi brillantes. De plus, elles collent
parfaitement au son de ce nouvel album.
Changes :
Ce dernier titre clôture en beauté ce
premier album studio. Même s’il reste très
classique, on savoure avec délectation les
interventions de Chick (toujours trop rares !).
le seul regret qu’on peut avoir après
avoir écouter cet album, c’est qu’il
soit trop court ! Quelques titres de
plus ne nous auraient pas fait de mal !
tous cas, juste après l’avoir écouter,
on n’a qu’une envie : le réécouter une
seconde fois ! Ne nous privons pas !
Leo, Ric, Chick et Joe nous prouvent là
qu’on peut réinventer le Rock encore et
encore, il suffit juste d’avoir la foi !
nous comme des adultes, comme des personnes
intelligentes et ne cherchons pas à
comparer ce Ten Years After avec celui
d’Alvin Lee. Ce dernier nous a apporté de
grands moments d’émotion comme « Ssssh »
ou « Cricklewood green ». Mais,
ne doutons pas que les vieux renards que
sont Leo, Ric et Chick (aidés de Joe)
sauront encore nous faire vibrer de bonheur !
Ce « Now » en est la preuve indéniable.
Five Stars Album - no question!,
October 8, 2005
Reviewer: |
Astrogirl(Österreich) |
Joe Gooch is the new driving energy from Ten
Years After.
And "NOW" the world have a young
grandios guitarchampion in the footsteps of
hendrix/vai and satriani. I never before
listen to a such good guitarslinger. Super
Ten Years After, this is a five stars album,
no question! Big compliment to Leo Lyons,
Ric Lee, Chick Churchill & Joe Gooch!
WOW!, August 27, 2005
Reviewer: |
(Holland) |
WOW, I like it babe, I like it. That`s the real
Kick Ass Rock!
This guys are still the best. Leo Lyons is a 62
years old frantic bassman on stage, and nobody
can beat him . And Joe Gooch is together with
this old first class Woodstock veterans
a day and night dream. Now is Wow!!! Hotest Live
band I`ve ever seen!
not stale , but incredible good!, August
23, 2005
Reviewer: |
"Light"(Austria) |
T.Y.A. Now is not stale, but absolutly suberb,.
Joe Gooch is a young, and very fine guitarmaster,
He brought T.Y.A. back a lot of the young
generation, I see it on many live gigs in
Austria and germany. Together with the well
known experience from Leo/Ric and Chick, Joe
Gooch shows in "NOW" his amazing
The man from Wales is one of the best
guitarplayers in the world, and "Now"
is a real joy to listen, with some splendid new
studiomaterial - it sounds not stale, but
incredible good! Thanks a lot, boys!! (After)"WHEN
IT ALL FALLS DOWN" comes a new ära - with
NOW is a GREAT new Ten Years After album!!,
August 3, 2005
Reviewer: |
MA) |
Some of the reviewers who posted before, seem dead set on
convincing readers that "Now" is a
lousy Ten Years After album simply because it
does not include original member Alvin Lee (they
give Alvin credit for everything, except
inventing the cotton gin!). That is one way to
approach things, but it is a rather narrow one.
Music should be judged on how it sounds - not by
who makes it. If all music by bands that no
longer consist of the original members should be
considered lousy for that reason, it would
surely make the majority of rock & roll
music lousy.
There are more than a few classic rock bands
with original members absent but they are still
making great (often better) music. Ten Years
After is one of those bands and their "Now"
album proves that in spades. Songs like
"Time To Kill", "King Of The
Blues" and "Long Time Running"
are among the best of any Ten Years After songs
- past or present. These songs also rebuff the
claim that the band cannot make great music
without the former member.
I published a Visual History book about Alvin
Lee & Ten Years After, I grew up listening
to the original band and attended many of their
concerts. So, I have a genuine fondness for the
original lineup. However I am a realist and
accept the fact that most rock bands eventually
change. I am also open-minded enough to listen
to new music and not get stuck in the past.
If you feel compelled to reject the Ten Years
After "Now" album because it does not
include Alvin Lee, that is your choice. But if
you enjoy driving and spirited rock & roll,
I encourage you to give this album a chance. Joe
Gooch is a world class guitarist in his own
right and the legendary Ten Years After rhythm
section of Leo Lyons, Chick Churchill and Ric
Lee have already passed the "performance
test". They certainly do not disappoint on
this - their latest album.
1). Ten Years
After "Now" TYM

What's in
a brand name? Well in the case of Ten Years After, like several other
enduring American rock bands such as The Allman Brothers, and closer to
home The Man band, it's a case of new wine in old bottles and a passport
to getting their new music noticed and played.
is an excellent album and in young Joe Gooch, Ric Lee and his pals have
found the perfect catalyst to relaunch the band into the contemporary
rock market.
The first
thing to say is that "Now" is as contemporary as it could have
been. Joe's scintillating guitar lines from the
Steve Vai style workouts
on the eastern flavoured "A Hundred Miles High" - complete
with its echoes of the Beatles - to the powerful riffs on the album's
stand out track, "Time To Kill" are beautifully integrated
into the bands overall schema. Chick Churchill adds some lovely keyboard
parts and the ensemble rock out stylishly
This album
takes the exploratory rocking blues history of the band and adds a
powerful vocalist, guitarist, who has become an integral part of the
song writing process. Such is the success of the new line-up that the
whole set sounds fresh, new and contemporary.
It All Comes Down", the opening cut is an impressive mix of
keyboard and guitar parts, while the self explanatory titled "King
Of The Blues" is a stomping boogie, full of rolling piano and a
band in full flow.
Leo Lyons
and Ric Lee belt out a succession of tough but intuitive grooves that
underpin some excellent songs, notably "Time To Kill", but the
band as a whole impress with some fine material and even a possible
single in the Nickleback sounding "I'll Make It Easy For You".
"Long Time Running" is an almost Southern rock sounding piece
complete with slide and wah wah guitar parts and Leo's insistent bass
lines. Ric Lee's adds crashing cymbals, and the track will surely appeal
to the American market. The closing hypnotic grooves of "Changes"
confirm that this album is one of the bands best efforts, complete with
a new guitar hero in the ranks.
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