interview with
Joe Gooch
by Batttttty
GOOCH is the new man on guitar duties in TEN YEARS AFTER.
Alvin Lee is, of course, a tough act to follow, but Joe has proven
that he is the right man to follow in those footsteps and he is
now bringing 'rock and roll music to the world' on tour with Leo
Lyons, Chick Churchill and Ric Lee.
Here he talks about his musical background and how he first got
into playing with TEN YEARS AFTER, and also about recording the
new TEN YEARS AFTER studio album.
of all, congratulations on the tour earlier in the year! I've been
looking at the photos and the reviews, and it sounds like you had
a great time.
Thanks, yes I've had a great time the past few months. We've
played all over and had some fantastic gigs - right now I'm just
looking forward to getting back out on tour.
we'll talk more about the tour later, but first of all give us a
brief history of how you started out playing air-guitar at the age
of three, and how it all led on from there to the present day. I
started playing guitar when I was about ten. I was given a nylon
string acoustic as a present and I was pleased to receive it,
although I seem to remember thinking I'd really prefer a drum kit
- but I soon saw the instrument's appeal and began to play. My dad
taught me my first few chords and then I went on to take classical
lessons. I was never particularly disciplined when it came to
practicing my classical pieces, due to the irrepressible desire to
listen to and learn any kind of blues or rock records I could get
my hands on. I eventually gave up classical lessons at about the
age of thirteen. By this time a few of my friends had started
playing instruments so we would meet up and jam, and eventually we
got a band together. It's interesting that neither myself or my
friends seemed to listen to the music of the day - all our
listening was made up of stuff from the seventies or even older
blues records - I wonder if it's the same with fourteen year olds
these days. I played in bands right through school doing gigs
whenever I could. I was never particularly academic so these
combining factors meant my school work suffered, but I always knew
what I wanted to do and I think it's very important not to lose
sight of that.
say your influences are people like Hendrix, Clapton, Methaney...
who else? What was the music you heard that made you decide that
music was the path you were going to follow and thereby change the
course of history forever? My
listening has always been quite eclectic. When I was young I would
listen to my parents' records which were predominantly jazz,
Stephane Grappelli, Django, Louis Armstrong, Steely Dan and
although I didn't play guitar at that time, they have definitely
helped to form part of my musical identity. Later on I got really
into Hendrix - I remember when I first heard Live at Monterey I
was at a friend's house and I begged him to let me borrow it. It
was the most exciting thing I'd ever heard, and it turned me on to
guitar even more. From then on I just listened to any guitar-based
music I could get my hands on. Every new player had something to
offer - I think every guitarist I ever listen to inspires or
influences me in some way. One of the things I like about touring
is meeting and listening to other musicians and I've learned a lot
during the last few months. When it comes to true influences I
think specific aspects of several key players have served to help
form my style.
love Hendrix's raw feel and the way he would really attack the
guitar. I also love fluid legato as applied by the likes of
Holdsworth, Satriani, Vai and the way Steve Ray Vaughan would
squeeze the last ounce of tone out of his Strat, and put so much
power and emotion into just one note. I
have always liked Larry Carlton's choppy and melodic style, and
whilst I'm by no means a jazz fusion guitarist I do love that
style of playing. I could sit here all night reeling off guitar
players I like, and how they have influenced me, but I genuinely
feel the most original and expressive things I come up with always
comes from playing live. There's a lot of energy in the TYA shows
- we really go for it, and I find this is when I'm at my most
creative. On a good night stuff I feel I've never played before
seems to just flow from my fingers. It's an incredible feeling and
I wish It was like that all the time. I think the key point is,
aside from influence or technique, the most important ingredient
in my style is being able to tap in to the powerful live energy of
a show and use it as a vehicle to let my true creativity and
identity through. When it works it’s a great feeling - its
amazing to really connect with the crowd and feel I've achieved
something musically.
band you were playing with when you got head-hunted for the Lyons
safari... what happened to them? Do you still play with them as
well? Before
the TYA thing I was in a band called Siro, they are still going -
they just got a new guitar player.
was all a bit of a whirlwind how you first started to play with
TYA, yes? Tell us about how it happened.
sent Ric a CD of me playing 'Going Home' and a kind of heavy rock
version of 'Red House'. After a few days he called me up and said
he really liked it, and that he had played it to Leo down the
phone {Leo was in Nashville at that time}, and he was also
interested. I couldn't quite believe it, and at that time I really
didn't think I would get the gig. Ric wanted to come and see me do
a show, so I set one up and he travelled down to Herefordshire. I
got a call from him a couple of weeks later 'we've got a gig in
Germany on Friday, I'll call you later with the details'. I had to
learn the songs pretty quick, so yes it was a bit of a whirlwind,
but it was good fun. Wow!
OK, what are your favourite Ten Years After songs to play live?
And why? I
really like 'Time To Kill'. It's going to be on the new record.
It's got a great feel and me and Chick mirror each other in the
solo. 'Easy For You' which is also off the new album is another
favorite - it’s a kind of bluesy ballad - me and Leo really let
rip in the solo. Of the old TYA material I really love the solo
section in 'I Cant Keep From Cryin' Sometimes'. It's never the
same two nights in a row. I get a chance to really express my self
- me and Leo play off each other and some great stuff comes out,
you never know were it's going to go next - that’s one of the
things I love about playing with TYA.
you surprised at how well the long-term fans took to you at the
gigs? Many of them must have been a bit dubious beforehand,
because Alvin Lee is a kind of icon amongst TYA fans - revered as
a God and all that. I
have to admit I was very apprehensive about the way it was going
to go, but the fans were very receptive, in fact the response has
been so positive I have found the experience very humbling, and at
times quite overwhelming. I thought it would be inevitable that I
would encounter a considerable amount of negativity from die hard
fans but I just haven't. There are a couple of people that don’t
like what we do, but they are definitely in the minority.
you consciously try to play the tunes the same way that Alvin
played them, or do you try to bring your own personality into your
playing - your own interpretation. Mainly
it's my own interpretation, aside from the obvious exceptions like
the intro to 'Going Home' or 'Maybe Wrong'. Aside from these and a
few others the guitar solos are different every night.
far as you know, has Alvin heard any of your work? Or have you had
any feedback on how he feels about you taking over the reins? I'm
not aware of him saying anything about me.
does it feel to be up on stage with legends like Leo, Ric and
Chick? Was it intimidating? Invigatoring? Tell us how it felt on
the first gig. And how does it feel now that you've done a full
tour together? The
first gig I was very nervous, but now I feel very at home playing
with the band, although sometimes I walk on stage, kick into 'I
Woke Up This Morning' and I get goose bumps as I think 'Shit,
that’s Ten Years After stood behind me'. Hahaha yeh! What are your best memories from the road? Any funny
road-stories? Any embarassing moments? I
couldn't possibly comment! Hmmmm... keeping it for the book,
are we.......?
about writing your own songs? Do you? It's
been a great experience writing with Leo. It's been good for me to
work with an experienced song writer. We're currently in the
process of writing for the new record. Has
the TYA gig inspired you to write? I've
not done a great deal of writing in the past, I always
concentrated on guitar and lyrics never interested me that much -
but now I feel I've got a few songs in me.
us about the studio sessions for the new cd? There are some photos
on the website, and it all looks pretty calm and laid back. Was it?
Or did the camera miss all the blood, guts and gore being hurled
across the room? Did anyone actually need any body parts sewing
back on, by the end of it? It's
all pretty relaxed - just don’t turn your back on Churchill!
us about your guitars - what do you use? For
my main guitar I use an USA Strat with a Seymour Duncan humbucker
at the bridge. I also use a Mexican Tele with Tex Mex pick-ups.
Amp wise, I was using Mesa Boogie but I've just switched over to
Marshall. For my main sound I use the clean channel on the
Marshall JCM 2000 with an Ibanez Tube Screamer and a Boss OD2
overdrive pedal - this and a Cry Baby Wah pedal gives me all I
bands are you listening to at the moment? Anyone in particular
that you think has 'got it'? I
really like The Darkness. Blimey,
and this interview was all going so well till you said that,
Well, as long as I don't catch you wearing tigerprint
lycra on stage, I suppose that's ok. (In the privacy of your own
bedroom it's alright, apparently).
have been the best things (for you) about being a member of TYA? Being
able to go out and do what I love. What
are your ambitions for the future of TYA? And for your long-term
future? I
just want to take it as far as it can go, I have lots of solo
things in the pipeline, but right now I'm giving TYA all of my
man! And all the best with the CURRENT
starts on Friday December 5th in the Czech Republic.
Joe playing with TEN YEARS AFTER on tour NOW !
This interview © Batttttty 3rd December 2003