it took for me to become a true TEN YEARS AFTER Fan:
is my first entry on the Alvin Lee guest book written here just as it was posted on 04/08/01 05:47:48 PM
David Willey Troy,New
you Toni Franklin,you are our only contact to the great
man himself.As an Alvin fan for 31 years I would like to
Thank Mr. Lee for all the great years of music and the
thousands of hours of pleasure that he has given me in my
life. I would like him to know that his true fans are a
loyal and devoted lot,and that we have supported him
through all of his musical changes,and artistic
efforts,and will continue to do so unconditionally. Roll
with all of life’s changes Alvin and keep Rocking until
we all drop. One of your most devoted fans”.
 Dave 1956
To start with I have now been a Alvin Lee / Ten
Years After fan for 33 years as of the present date of
this letter 9/20/ 03.
People keep asking me, why has my opinion changed
about Alvin from this original letter,and how did this
change come about. So with that in mind this letter in in
response to these inquries,and also my personal
perspective as a TYA fan, this also goes along with John
Kenney’s wonderful
experience with Leo Lyons.
My Experience with Leo:
was Leo’s kind reply to our first e-mail and continued
communication with us and other fans that wrote to him,
that proved that this man was willing to give of himself
and looked for nothing in return. Where a lot of famous
people ignore your honest efforts to reach out to them,Leo
takes the time and makes the effort to let you know that
he is interested in your opinions,and always makes you
feel comfortable. Back in the late 60’s and early 70’s
I always thought of Leo as an older brother type,but now
as we have all grown older and I have had the chance to
meet him in person he is more of a father figure to me,in
fact he has many of the great qualities that my own father
has and still does to this day,these include a good work
ethic (they are both work-a-holics),a dry sense of humour
but deadly accurate, a kindness and gentleness to people
and animals alike ( Leo is a Vegitarian)
and when people meet them they can’t help but to
like them right away. My father doesn’t have an enemy in
the world and I can’t imagine anyone not liking Leo.
time I met Leo in person I still stand in awe of this
man, we can talk-- as fan to musician or just as friends
but then your in shock when you think about the people he
has known, the venues he has played, and the places he has
travelled to in his life time. As an example,we were all
standing around and I brought up the name Graham Bond when
Ric started telling us all a story about him and then
asked Leo for the facts, we all burst out laughing at their
memory of the situation.
To start with and in retrospect shame, I made one
mistake right from the start, in my guest book posting was
my unfortunate use of the word unconditionally, but at that
time it was what I believed. In fact no one and nothing
could shake my love, respect and support for Alvin Lee and
Ten Years After. It has been my desire and dream to one
day meet the man in person, to say hello, to shake his
hand, express my praise of him and the music of Ten Years
After, and that was all (just like Lincoln Baraccat showed
in kissing Alvin’s hand)
I was not obsessed, or possessed by the man but I
did feel a common bond in our life experiences, and
emotional troubles that everyone who lives in this world
feels at one time or another, we all get the Blues and we
all like Rock ‘n’ Roll music.
I could relate to the man and the music, and like so
many others we felt so much better when we put on a record
by Ten Years After, good
music always helped to ease the confusion of the times and
the music of Ten Years After served that purpose very
effectively,it also helped to increase the effects of our
current drug use during those times---what a rush!!!
ran a shop out of my grandmothers barn from 1968 to 2001
called simply enough “Dave’s Small Engine Repair” as
a mechanic I spent thousands of hours in that building
repairing everything from lawn mowers, snowblowers, chain
saws, snowmobiles, weed eaters and then my cars, dirtbikes
ect. One thing was missing: TYA music, so I transported my
stereo from my bedroom into my work area, and then I had
24/7 of great music to keep me company. I found myself
sleeping in the barn most of the Summer and I could listen
to my music and run motors all day and night and not
disturb anyone.
 Dave 1970
each new record came out I was the first one to buy it,
add it to my growing music collection, my friends didn’t
understand my love for this band so I didn’t have to
fight them over my TYA records. They and I were also into
Deep Purple, Grand Funk Railroad, Allman Brothers, Led
Zepplin, Cactus, Blue Cheer, The Who, Johnny and Edgar Winter,
The Guess Who, Frijid Pink, Bloodrock, Mountain, Pink
Floyd, Humble Pie, and Jethro Tull just to name a few,
for me it was always Ten Years After that was different
and stood out. So
for all these years this band has had the number one
position on my shelf, and they have out lasted all the
others and when I couldn’t decide what I wanted to listen
to I put on any record by TYA.
great memories I carry with me are: the movie Woodstock,
my first copy of Cricklewood Green (with the free give
away Alvin Lee poster in Black and white silhouette) all
the way through Watt, Recorded Live and all the rest I was
a loyal, devoted Alvin Lee /TYA fan.
I said my friends had no interest in TYA, now they were now
stealing my records left and right, (sorry I mean
borrowing and never returning them), and the TYA records
that I brought to parties never came home with me, and I
gave away more than I can count. The fact
is I bought at least twenty copies of every record
from Stonedhenge on and I didn’t mind at all, I was
spreading their great music all over my hometown, around
the whole State of New York, and later everywhere that I
travelled across America.
and brother Dave - 1974
this is how it went until the next great change came along,
the computer age and in April of 2001 I got the chance to
follow my dream to the next level of electronic
communication and I entered the Cyber Space era. One of
the first places I visited was the alvinlee.com website, I
was glad to know that my hero was being represented on
the world wide web, Alvin had made it into cyber space
thanks to his fan club president Toni Franklin and
TYA were not forgotton. What a great chance for him
to have world wide exposure once again. I say this because
the records were long since gone, cd’s were in and by
2000-2001 even the complete TYA cd catalog was being
discontinued all together. I for one was not going to let
my favorite band just fade away or worse die, it was time
to act and act fast.
chance I got I tried to promote TYA / Alvin Lee, I made
record stores re-stock their cd’s and when the TYA
section was removed I insisted they correct this error and
put them back into circulation.
I was feeling strong empathy for the band and
through the Alvin Lee message board (because I was yet to
have contact with Leo, Chick and Ric) I made my position
clear. My intent was nothing more than to express my
feelings and to let the band know how much they meant to me
personally, I hoped they would all find some comfort and
support in my brief comment and know that someone that
cared was still out
then decided that meeting my hero was not out of the realm
of possibilites, because everybody now days is accessible
through this new world wide web.
On 4/10/01
Brigitte posted her message right after mine on Alvin’s
website and she and I started writing to each other, then
in August 15, 2001 my best friend of 40 years John Hardie
and I made the trip to the site of the original Woodstock
festival, we took lots of pictures and I then sent them on
to Brigitte
in Germany to post on our brand new Ten-Years-After.com
website. Brigitte bought the domain name for us and she
was as proud as I was to be the sole owners of this
prestigious URL. I told Brigitte about the goals I had
in mind for our website, in the end we decided to call it
Tribute to TEN YEARS AFTER. I also explained to Brigitte that
I have two
dreams, one was to meet Alvin in person and the other was
to have him and all the members of Ten Years After sign
our guest book.
As time passed Leo Lyons was the first to show his
support, second was Chick Churchill through our new
friend Mama Paula and third was Ric Lee who was a great
surprise to everyone. Brigitte and I were working very
hard to make our site and our dreams come true.
as we might there was no input from Alvin, I tried
everything to contact him and went through
many different people to accomplish this, but with
no luck.
Another reality came to light when I learned their were other
TYA fans in the world besides just me and what a surprise
it was to learn that they were even more dedicated than
I was. John Kenny, Herb Staehr, Dan Jasper, Patrick
Bellier, Kevin Antonovich, Ian Radburn, Dale Manning, Matt Sutton, Izumi
Tada, Big Ed, Torsten Strube. Fans in England, Germany,
Norway, France, Belgium, Holland, Italy, Australia, South
Africa, Japan, Brazil, Faro Islands - from every part of the globe and from coast to coast back
in the states.
Now, with the reality that Alvin Lee was not coming
back to the fold as an active member TYA has become an extended Rock Family that includes Leo, Ric, Chick and
newest member Joe Gooch.
There is an English expression that says “Where
the Rubber Meets the Road”
and this is what is apparent here, no frills no
false pre-tense, just Ten Years After back with a Vengence
and Kicking Ass. They’re playing for keeps and as if
their lives depend on it, nothing’s really changed cause
it’s always been in their blood.
Our first experience with the band is simple - we had some
e-mail contact, some good positive support from Leo and
then on April 12th of 2002 we met them in
person at the "Blues Garage", Hannover, here in Germany, they didn’t
know us from Adam and as fans we knew much more about our
heros and that is all that mattered. Great men, great
band, great time together. Brigitte and I have had the
great chance to see and meet the band in person ten times
in the last fourteen months. We were at their second gig
featuring Joe Gooch in Twist Germany, and were there
when they returned to Twist to record their live cd called
"One Night Jammed" we tried to encourage others to come out
and see them perform live with us.
my letters to the band I have stated that for Brigitte and
I to be a small part in their future success is our
greatest reward, to have been loyal fans for so long and
to have supported them in record sales and their live
concerts was also a pleasure. To see all
of them happy together, playing for their fans and having
fun while they're doing it.
of 5/16/03 the band is in the studio in Oxford rehursing
for their new tour, there was a silence before the storm
as TYA once again hit the shores of England/UK and Europe,
and from then on there was to be no turning back or
stopping them now. A new CD,
their very first DVD and tours throughout this year
and into 2004.
You Leo, Ric, Chick,and Joe for letting Brigitte and I be a
part of it all, you have made us very comfortable and happy. A big thank
you also to their fans and friends who helped us along the
way, without whose support in the last two years we
never would have accomplished all that we have in such a
short amount of time.
thanks for your cooperation in doing those two interviews
that we have posted on our website, it takes a great deal
of integrity to stand up, speak your mind
in a clear and objective
manner without any malace as you have done. The feedback
that we have received from the people who did the interviews with you were very
grateful for your
time, help, patience and understanding.
Brigitte and I it has given us great satisfaction, to look
back on where we started on our website and where we are
right now. To hear from other TYA fans who are surprised
to learn that there is really someone on the other end of
their keyboard who is as real as they are. There is a vast
Ten Years After family in the world, and little by little
we have been reaching out to say hello to all of you.
Dave 2002