Hundred Seventy Split – Live In Concert
November 22, 2016
Venue – Das Bett – Frankfurt, Germany
8:00 – 10:30 – Tuesday Evening
Bett I soon learned, is a real favorite hot spot for the residents in the
Frankfurt region and beyond. A real eclectic listing of bands play here,
with Hundred Seventy Split now honored to be joining their ranks. As an
example, Carl Palmer will be appearing here April 6, 2017. I'll be back
for a return visit. From what I saw while there, music is offered on a
very regular basis, it's alive music Mecca to be sure. While talking with
the owner/ manager/chief bottle washer – he told me the club has been
open since 2009, and has earned the respect of musicians and fans alike.
His club holds 400 people and Hundred Seventy Split are hereto shake up a
perfectly quiet autumn, while also shaking the timbers to their very
foundations. In the end, the audience will appear spellbound in just a
few short hours, as is the band's lofty reputation.
They're younger, smarter, faster and less reckless than us old-timers
were in our prime. Now, here they are forming the tine at the club door,
over an hour early, an I'm an hour early, always priding myself on being
the first one in and the last to leave. Later on, they also stole the
Hundred Seventy Split poster right out of the official advertising frame
in the main lobby. (I laugh my ass off as the band is autographing it for
two guys and one girl. I strike up a short conversation with the four men
standing there, now working on their third large bottle of beer, getting
primed for the show. I'M a stranger, speaking English while slightly
interrupting their personal conversation as well. I wanted nothing
important, just to say hello is all. Awhile latter three left to get more
beer and I made my move to talk with the one left behind. He spoke
English, opened right up and we discussed music right off the bat. He
likes rock “n” roll, but when his father took him to his first concert he
was hooked just like the rest of us, when like turned into love of the
music and the musicians who made it. He's now 37 years old and modern
music has no place in his music collection. He's a late 1960's early
1970's man through and through … T. Rex, Slade, Grand Funk Railroad,
Humble Pie, Ten Years After, Chicago's first album … and now HSS. He's
seen Ten Years After with Joe Gooch many times, and is now back again to
enjoy Hundred Seventy Split for the third time. His friends return from
their beer run, they also speak excellent English and a quick bond
develops between us. All four of them are Ten Years After – Joe Gooch/Leo
Lyons and now Damon Sawyer fans.

Game (from their new CD)
Grew Up On Muddy Waters (from their new CD)
·50,000 Miles Beneath My Brain (from Cricklewood Green – 1970 Classic)
·Gravedigger (from their new CD)
Home (from their “The World Won't Stop” CD)
Morning Little School Girl – from SSSssshhh 1969 Classic)
Can't Drink It (from their new CD)
Like A Man (Cricklewood Green – 1970 Classic) --- Band Break – End First
·Looking For A Sign (from their new album) --- Start Second Set
Pie Hat (from Hundred Seventy Split – First Train Cover)
·Coming Back Around (from their new CD)
Devil To Pay – (from Hundred Seventy Split – First Train Cover)
Dance On Your Tombstone (from Hundred Seventy Split – First Train Cover)
·Tennessee Plates (played live at different concerts)
Smoke (from their “The World Won't Stop” CD)
·King of the Blues
·I'm Going Home
(Woodstock 1969)
·Working on the Road (classic 1970 – Cricklewood Green)
Leo, Joe and Damon entered the stage, they all seemed in good spirits,
well rested and very relaxed. They're happy to be on the road again and
it shows on their faces and in their body language. The audience welcomed
them as if they were returning crusaders returning to the castle. Not
long before this moment, our good friend arrived for the first number,
Peter and Theo were to come together but Theo remained at home. Peter
entered and it's been so damn long since we last saw each other in
person, it almost brought tears to my eyes. Peter's a great friend and
we're like brothers when we meet. Peter's also a great photographer and
that's another reason why I'm happy he's here tonight. His photos, along
with this concert review on our website, (Brigitte an Dave) will be a
welcomed addition to our concert page section, that's forever growing
longer and larger every year we're very proud to say.
and I crossed paths a few times going from stage left to right as we also
stopped to watch a the band and talk with other fans there. The band
sounded great from the first note to the last and the audience was with
them all the way. Some came for the nostalgia of the music and the good
memories it created years ago, others came to hear the new music making
brand new memories
One of
the highlights of the evening was Leo playing a new addition to his
instrument reserve … a large stand up bass /cello that stands a good head
taller than Leo himself. I named it “Big Bertha”. Leo says it's
fold-able, and he bought it in the States.... One thing for sure, he
plays this cello like any other bass in his vast collection. Years ago he
mentioned that he wanted to add this to the line up, and now it's become
a reality. Way to
go Leo.

I have
known guitarist Joe Gooch since 2003. I have watched him perform, to
learn, grow and mature over the last 13 years. We have become friends
during this time and I'm proud to know him. On a personal note. I'm here
to tell you that Joe at this moment in his career is in a rare position,
meant only for the very few. He is in point of fact every great guitarist
that you care to name. Inside him is the very best of everyone of them in
their prime. Be it Zappa, Hendrix, Clapton, Green, Kossoff, Page,
Bucannon, Townsend. Joe exhibits the same kind of talent, artistic
creativity, passion, vision and curiosity needed to be one of the exalted
ones in music history. His partnership with Ten Years After is now
legendary, performances mind-blowing, hist personality gentlemanly honest
and sincere. Credit be given where it's due, to Joe's school friend Tom
Lyons who introduced Joe to his Woodstock famous father and bass player
Leo Lyons. Leo sent Ric Lee to interview Joe in person, and that part of
Joe's history is now completed and secure as we all know.
you fans Ten Years After and now Hundred Seventy Split you are well
versed in which I speak. My conversation with you already confirm this
listening to Hundred Seventy Split's trilogy of CD releases:
World Won't Stop
Hundred Seventy Split

genius of Leo Lyons continues his work from Ten Years After and Kick right
into Hundred Seventy Split. Combined with Joe Gooch and Damon Sawyer have
able to do what few others have been able to accomplish in their musical
history. To continually grab the elusive brass ring, time and time again.
Leo, the elder statesman of rock”n”roll has had this pleasure on many
different levels and occasions. It's with the bands new CD release of
“Tracks” and the other two previous releases brings something into
crystal clear focus for me
three Hundred Seventy Split releases (listed above) are the equivalent of
Ten Years After three releases of SSSssshhh (1969) – Cricklewood Green
(1970) and Watt (1970). This after much thought and consideration would I
even attempt to entertain such a statement, but I firmly stand behind it,
because I believe it to be the undeniable truth.
of sounds, subtle undertones, powerful flexing bass lines. Wailing
guitars, funky guitar or blues driven guitar work. Thoughtful intense
lyrics, most of which seem to be of a personal autobiographical nature.
Drumming that's both powerful, melodic and sympathetic. This combination
makes Hundred Seventy Split almost impossible to beat on any level. A
power trio of experience, unbridled talent with a never-ending passion
for the music. Perfectionist all. Music that rings loud and true,
technically and emotionally in every song. Music made the way ti's meant
to be played. With an on stage presence and performance that you'll never

the show Peter went backstage to visit with the band, while I went
outside to listen to the audience reaction and talk with many of them.
Peter had to leave we said our good-bye's and I went to see the band. We
haven't seen each other since Melle-Buer. Leo looked good and healthy as
always, Joe looked a little older and more mature than a year or two ago,
and Damon is just Damon always friendly, consistent in his nature, and
always good for a chat and a laugh. I asked Joe how he was feeling these
days, he looked a little tired but after the CD recording sessions and
now on tour again, who could blame him in the least. Joe's happy with the
new CD he told me. Damon was coming in and out for the time I was there,
he and I had a chance to talk a few times during the evening and I always
enjoy our time together.
and I had most ground to cover in the short amount of time we had
together. I wanted
know about the visa problems for the band, when they may expect to get to
Amercia and how Leo's family was doing and especially Tom whom I miss
seeing. We talked about the American election results and the shape of
things to come in the States. We didn't talk about the new CD only
because I just bought my copy this evening. Although we did discuss his
days with Ten Years After, people he knows and his newly acquired cello
bass for the stage performance. Seems to me that Leo knows everybody
who's anybody in the music world and beyond. We also discussed the band
playing a concert in England that I read about on his website, he
confirmed this and would like to play the more often as do Joe and Damon.
A few
days before I got to see them in Frankfurt, they returned to Melle-Buer
where Brigitte and Anita greeted them in person, along with a full house
of loyal HSS fans. Brigitte also bought their new CD and a band photo.
She had it autographed while there. She told me that is the bands effort
to date – to which I also agree, and that Joe is incredible on that
guitar. What makes their new CD so spectacular I was yet to discover for
myself (explained above).
the perfect time for Hundred Seventy Split to get the respect and
recognition that they all deserve. They hit the number one spot on the
Blues Chart last month, and have been changing position depending on
which day you check the listing, but always in the top ten to upper five
As for
the visa situation for the band, it was explained to me very simply. When
the tour dates are finally booked and confirmed, and then the visa
request sent in – and the answer returned, time has run out for any kind
of serious tour. Frustrating at the very least. Blame it on global
bureaucracy bullshit.
thanks to the band and the venues for their hospitality. I see catching
up with the band this time around in November as a wonderful
Thanksgiving present, and a great way to end 2016 – the following night
they had their concert filmed for DVD and recorded for a double CD, to be
released in March of 2017. I hope you enjoyed this concert and CD review.
See the band live in concert, show them your support, and say hello from